Halo Found Hope

Halo Found Hope by Helo Matzelle is a 228 page memoir.  It was published by Dog Ear Publishing and released on Oct 10, 2014.  To purchase your copy, click here.


halo found hope award cover“Machines beeping, the blur of medical staff running, a crash cart whizzing into an ICU room, was there any hope?
A young woman lay, packed in ice, as doctors attempted to somehow stop the swelling in her brain that threatened to take her life… and her family waited.

Six days turned into eight weeks. She awoke to discover that she was not the same. She saw two of everything, couldn’t feel half of her face, couldn’t hear from one ear, and could not speak. She couldn’t even tellIMG_0502 anyone that she felt hopeless… or could she?

Halo Found Hope is the story of a beautiful, busy wife, and mother of three whose life changes instantly with the diagnosis of a rare brain tumor. An exceptional ENT, a brilliant neurosurgeon and a dedicated medical team tackle the tumor, setting off a series of unbelievable miracles.

Helo’s story is not one of survival, or of salvaging a life through a broken body. It is not about endurance through pain, but victory because of it. While the family heard her silence, God heard her prayer. Helo’s story is simply this: Wherever you are and whatever you are going through, God is right there. He doesn’t need to be recognized by you, to be there for you. He can replace fear with courage and discouragement with determination, if you let Him. Helo did, and that is how she found hope.”2014-HeloMatzelle-024--2 copy

“Christian readers will find in these pages a powerful testament to the power of faith in dark times, and even agnostics will be uplifted by the joie de vivre of this remarkable woman.” — Kirkus Reviews


Halo Found Hope is a moving story about a woman who encountered a life threatening, life changing illness and trusted God.  Let me warn you, bring your box of tissues for this book! I cried sad, heartbreaking tears, I cried happy tears, and I cried tears of relief.  I. Cried. A. Lot. However, it was worth every tear to read this encouraging story.

There were so many things I loved about this book.  Helo wrote the book as if you were sitting in her living room having a chat with her.  She was so honest – sharing things that made her vulnerable, things that were wonderful and her disappointments, trials and struggles.

So many of us complain about our lives forgetting the blessings that God has given each of us.  Helo story will make you thankful for God’s grace and mercy; his watch care and sufficiency.  After I finished reading this life changing book, I wanted to do for people just like Helo does.

I give Helo Found Hope 5 out of 5 stars.  This is a book that will change your life, leave you thankful for God’s blessings, and appreciate that you have the ability to get up each morning….and do for others.



Enter below to win a hardback copy of Halo Found Hope, a $25 gift card and a poem beautifully written and framed by Halo. This giveaway ends on Nov 30 at 11:59 pm PDT.
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